It seems like everywhere you turn there’s a conversation about sustainability and living well, but it isn’t just a trend. There is abundant scientific evidence that humanity is living unsustainably, compromising the well-being of the natural world. As awareness of this fact grows, career options in the sustainability field will continue to increase. If you’re passionate about the environment and would like to dedicate your career to being green, you’ll discover endless opportunities.

What is a green job?

A green job improves the environment in some way, according to Green Careers Central. Such a job could include making small contributions, like spearheading your company’s paper-recycling effort, or a more significant role like the Chief Sustainability Officer, the person who is in charge of an organization’s efforts to comply with green standards and protocols.

What industries are creating green jobs?

Most commonly, you’ll find green careers related to renewable energy or energy-efficient construction. There is a growing need for trained professionals in renewable energy, and Low Energy, Efficient Design (LEED) building construction, such as engineers, architects, designers, HVAC professionals, electricians, plumbers and general contractors.

But you’ll find green careers in the financial industry as well. For example, sustainability professionals work in the trading of Renewable Energy Certificates and Carbon Offsets. And as more and more companies join the green initiative, there will be need for scientists, engineers and researchers who can measure and report on greenhouse gas emissions.

Becoming an insider in the sustainability field

Because it’s such a new industry, GetFive advises job hunters looking for an opportunity in this field to work hard to sound like insiders. Attend conferences, do your research, network extensively and soon you’ll sound like you’ve been in the field for years.

Even if you’re not seeking employment, becoming a sustainability expert can also make you more valuable in your current role. Bringing new value to your job is a great strategy to survive and thrive within your current organization.

Staying alert, committed and informed on sustainability issues can help you find career opportunities, and it can also make you a more valuable employee. Looking for more ways to stand out?GetFive offers job search advice, resume help and interview skills so you can land the job of your dreams.


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