5 Tips for Gaining Your Family’s Support Before Starting a Job Search

When you’re a ship captain, there are a lot of things you must do before you embark on the open sea. Besides preparing the ship and stockpiling supplies, you need a crew that will support you through anything that happens during the voyage. Whether you’re facing tepid waters or terrifying storms, that crew will make sure you reach your destination.

The same support is essential for professionals embarking on a job search. The expedition can be wrought with trouble and uncertainty, but support from a partner and other family members can help you reach the ultimate goal: an amazing new job.

So what happens if your family is less than supportive of your idea to get a new job? If they’re not on board, the ship is destined to go off course. Before you even consider submitting your first application, it’s wise to gain the support of loved ones so you can confidently move into a new chapter of life together.

Facilitate understanding:

If you’re unhappy at your job, your family may not be fully aware of your feelings. In particular, you must ensure your partner understands your frustrations as well as your intentions for seeking new employment. It’s that understanding that builds a strong bridge of support between two people.

Reassure and respond honestly:

Your family will no doubt have questions. If your hours, pay and commitments change, they will probably have concerns. You must be open to questions and answer honestly. Reassure your intentions and rationale. Help them to understand your long-term vision and what that means to the family. Show how a new job benefits everyone, not just you.

Communicate regularly:

Job searching is a marathon, not a sprint. For ongoing support you must have ongoing communication. Frequently update your family about developments both good and bad. You might even consider having a weekly meeting with your spouse about what’s going on and how you’re feeling. Remember, your attitude is important so try to stay positive.

Ask for help: 

Teamwork makes the dream work, or in the case of job hunting, make the dream job work. Engage your partner in your job hunt. Have him or her help with editing your resume, conducting mock interviews and reviewing job listing. This will help your partner feel included, plus you’ll get valuable assistance. After all, a job search is like having a job in itself.

Make time for relationships:

Work issues are among the top stressors to marriages and other family relationships. Job-hunting can, temporarily, exacerbate these issues. Remember to make time for your relationships with your partner, your kids and other loved ones. A date night or family excursion can be a much-appreciated break for everyone. Plus, when your family feels like they matter most, they’ll be much more likely to support you when the seas get rough.Save




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