Earn Income Now While Keeping Your Long-term Goals in Mind

There may be a time in your professional career when you need to take a less-than ideal job in order to earn a living. However, it’s important to never lose sight of your goal. When things settle down — and they will — you will already have your foot in the door and be able to move your career forward.

However, don’t make the mistake of getting completely sidetracked just to earn a living. At the very least, keep involved with trade associations and/or do volunteer work related to your career track. Always think ahead and don’t become discouraged by your short-term situation.

Have you ever considered consulting? Even in good economic times, 15 percent of the attendees at GetFive are looking for consulting work as opposed to full-time, on-payroll positions. You can remain open to consulting assignments while you continue to look for full-time employment.

Whether you are looking for consulting or full-time work, the job search techniques are exactly the same:

  • Develop a target list of organizations to contact (your Personal Marketing Plan)
  • Contact each using the GetFive’s four-paragraph cover letter (reference the book “Shortcut Your Search”)
  • Tell them you are interested in consulting assignments. (Or you can say, “I’m available for full or part-time assignments”)
  • Follow up with a phone call

Some people choose to do consulting work for a living rather than just between jobs. To do this successfully, you need to keep the work coming in while you are spending time delivering your services. Many consultants forget to market until the work dries up.

One effective strategy for consultant marketing is to produce a quarterly newsletter to send to approximately 200 to 400 quality leads. In the newsletter, describe the projects you have been working on and suggest people call you if they would like similar help. Include your brochure or a link to an article that would be of interest to your target audience. You’ll nurture your leads and strengthen your reputation as a worthwhile consultant.

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