Weekly Blog Breakdown for August 14th

August 15th, 2022

How to Ace Your Job Interview

Don’t play it cool. During a job interview, you have to show you’re excited about the job. A lot of job seekers forget that one of the most crucial parts of interviewing is convincing the hiring manager that they really want the job. Companies aren’t just looking for applicants who have the requisite skills and will toe the company line. They want candidates who want them.

Negotiating a Consulting or Freelance Assignment

“We have to let you go…” possibly the most ominous words your boss could ever say. But losing your job doesn’t have to be a total disaster. In fact, if you take the right steps, you could find yourself in an even better situation. It all starts with your outplacement package.

The Science and Art of Networking

The Five O’Clock Club has always stressed that networking and direct contact are the two most effective ways to generate interviews. Effective networking, however, goes far beyond telling as many people as you can that you’re out of work. There’s fine art and a meticulous science to networking, and in this blog, we’ll explore just that. The Science of Spreadsheets Many successful job hunts begin with a spreadsheet.

Challenges for the Job Hunter

Job hunters who spend countless hours applying for jobs through online ads can quickly fall into a state of despair. They receive little to no response from the companies, yet continue to fill out endless applications. The cycle goes on and on and on. At The Five O’Clock Club, we know only a small percentage of job hunters get interviews this way.

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