Weekly Blog Breakdown for September 3rd

October 7th, 2019

3 Strategies for Cutting Stress When Return to Work After a Vacation

It’s an all-too common story: You save funds and PTO days to treat yourself to a week-long getaway. Whether you decide to hit the beach or visit the slopes, you thoroughly enjoy the break from the hurried pace of work. You return to your job rested and reinvigorated — but then you open your inbox.

Important Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering a Resignation

Do you dream of proclaiming “I quit!” to your boss, much like you see in the movies? If you’re miserable at work, it’s definitely time to take stock. You shouldn’t jump to a resignation, however, without a lot of reflection and level-headed thinking. Before drafting your letter, honestly answer these important questions to ensure you’re making the right decision: Is the desire to quit emotionally charged?

You Have a New Leadership Job… Now What?

Once you said yes to a new leadership position and thoroughly celebrated, the hard work begins. It’s time to start planning for the transition to your new job. After all, research shows the first 90 days in a new job will largely determine whether you succeed or fail in your new role. Moving into a new position is all about managing change.

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