6 People That Must Be Part of Your Job Search Support Network

December 14th, 2022

Going it alone is a lonely endeavor, especially if you’re job hunting. Having a support network can really make a difference, helping to open opportunity, provide emotional support, and serve as positive influences.

The right people will help keep you on task and hold you accountable. They also will lift you up when you’re feeling down. Job searching is a journey, and this is your team to help ensure smooth sailing even if seas get rough.

So who should be part of your job search support network?

A Mentor: Having an expert in your industry to lean on is critical to a successful career transformation. This person can answer questions, provide important insight specific to your industry, and help you network with other professionals who could influence your career. Having a mentor is always a good idea, but utilizing one during a job hunt can have a powerful impact.

The Cheerleader: Job searching can be difficult at times. Even the most optimistic people can have tough days. This is why having a cheerleader in your support group is important. This person doesn’t have to work in your industry or even thoroughly understand your skills, they just have to have a positive personality and be able to reach out and keep you lifted.

The Wordsmith: Having access to someone who is a whiz with words can be a secret weapon in your job search efforts. You can rely on this individual to proof your resume and other important written communication so you stand out to hiring managers in a positive way. Think about who you know with a writing and editing background to fill this role.

The Grounded Guy: Job searching is a job in itself. There are countless things to worry about, and that’s when having a practical person to lean on can make a difference. This is the person who will be frank with you when you’re flustered, can sort out complex job descriptions, and keep you focused on what matters most when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

A Career Coach: Someone who is trained specifically in career development can offer important insight that will sharpen your job search efforts. As part of the Career Insider program at GetFive, you get affordable access to certified career coaches. Whether you’re job searching due to a layoff or want to completely change careers, these coaches’ insights are invaluable.

Another Job Seeker: Other job seekers are going through the same challenges as you, so they’re the people you can bounce ideas off of as well as commiserate with. Plus, a little healthy competition can be very motivating. As part of the Career Insider program, you participate in weekly small-group coaching sessions with other job seekers to help you set goals and succeed.

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