GetFive means…

for the employer

5-Star Ratings

Protect your Glassdoor rating, while preserving the freedom to manage your bottom line.

for the individual

The 5-Step Method

The proven, research-based method that powers our modern outplacement and career management solutions.

William B. MacKellar

William B. MacKellar, a member of The Five O’Clock Club in the 1880’s from “History of the Five O’Clock Club of Philadelphia” by J. Hampton Moore

The Curious History of GetFive

In 2023, GetFive joined forces with Careerminds, as part of the Talent Inc. family, to create an innovative provider of outplacement and career development services with a global reach.

GetFive was originally known as The Five O’Clock Club. In the 1880s, while the rest of the world was discussing mustache fashion, businessmen in Philadelphia were establishing a reputable members-only club that brought together prominent members of the community to share cognac and cigars while they traded ideas and supported one another’s endeavors. As this original club charter says, it was all “in a spirit of fellowship and good humor.” These original Five O’Clock Club members clearly intended to have a good time while navigating their business lives.

Fast forwarding to the 1980s, this became the inspiration for our original name. Our 5-Step Method, 30 years in the making, is as solid and innovative as ever but it’s all for one purpose, much like the original 19th century club: to move our client’s careers forward and support them every step of the way.


Blanketed with 200+ trained and certified coaches


Coverage expanding rapidly. Now serving Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, Philippines, Spain, Thailand and the UK.