Become A Career Coach

Become a GetFive Certified Career Coach and enjoy exclusive benefits that will supercharge your practice.

You need a very serious résumé and an intensive training course to join the elite of career coaching, but when you do, the benefits, both for those you coach and for yourself, are unmatched.

GetFive’s career coach training & certification program is the only one that equips coaches with the method and the digital tools they need to support the modern transition. Our time-tested, research-based method, known as the 5-Step Method, is recognized as the industry’s best.

Our Certified Coaches come from diverse professional backgrounds, and many have held senior management positions in Fortune 500 companies. As we expand our coaching footprint, we are also expanding the certification program to include candidates on a global basis.

Course Overview

A professional, comprehensive, intensive 8-week strategic course

GetFive provides Certified Career Coaches with a powerful balance of independence, training, collaboration, and community, plus access to active client referral streams. Certified Career Coaches apply a unified approach to each coaching engagement, ensuring each client receives the same standard of quality, commitment, and personal attention. Regardless of your past coaching experience, you will find the 5-Step Method to be a game changer.


The GetFive certification program is a highly professional, deeply comprehensive and intensive eight-week strategic course, designed to teach the industry’s top career coaching methodology, how to apply it effectively, and ultimately drive the best outcome for clients. You will acquire tools, best practices, leading-edge techniques, and you will learn proven strategies to help clients implement a successful career transition.

The program is approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF) for 24 CCE Credit Hours (15.75 CC/ 8.41 RD).


GetFive is a leading provider of scalable solutions in Modern Outplacement (Moving On) and Career Management (Moving Up). We have helped hundreds of thousands of people in transition develop and implement a successful career search, utilizing our propriety research-based 5-Step Method, innovative digital tools and unrivaled, personalized coaching programs. Our Modern Outplacement solution has won several awards recently for innovation, including the American Business Awards 2019 Best New Product in Consumer Services.

GetFive uniquely provides Certified Coaches the right balance of independence, training, collaboration and community, plus access to client referral streams. All of our Certified Coaches apply a unified approach to each coaching engagement, ensuring each client receives the same standard of excellence and personal attention. Regardless of past coaching experience, our Certified Coaches find the 5-Step Method to be a game changer.

Learn the 5-Step Method

Give your practice a more structured approach with the industry’s best job search method

1-on-1 Mentoring with a Master Coach

Ease your transition from theory to practice with the guidance of a GetFive Master Coach

On-going Training

Stay on the cutting edge of evolving job search trends

Referral Streams

Participate in client referral streams
*subject to further requirements


Be part of a close-knit network that emphasizes collaboration



Bonnie Halford

Sue Negrey

Teri Coyne

"Though I felt I knew a fair amount, [the certification program's teacher's] tips and techniques were so powerful and so current that I immediately went to all of my private clients and had them change their [LinkedIn] profile, as well as my own. I feel that it is a way to allow clients to be more passively recruitable to use some of his recommendations."
Bonnie Halford
"It’s a methodology that’s been around for over 30 years and its been helping clients successfully get jobs. So that in and of itself was a buy in for me."
Teri Coyne
"GetFive embraces the positive learning culture that translates into successful coaches and furthers into satisfied clients."
Sunil Harrypersad
"It was a personal goal of mine to become certified through GetFive. As a former client, I felt I could bring a unique perspective to future coaching clients. The weekly webinars and the availability of [the instructors] throughout the course to provide ongoing feedback, reassurance and coaching [was the most useful]."
Tana Session
"[The certification program] gave me deeper insights into job search process, and confirmed much knowledge that I had. I found some of the measures that could be applied to one's job search to ensure structure, robustness and focus to be very helpful.  I found the interview prep strategies very helpful as well."
Carroll Welch
"The [method is a] systematic straight forward approach. Each tool building on the previous tool, to deliver great collateral marketing material, effective job search strategies and a more confident client."
Jeanet Lamoca
"This new pillar in my coaching practice has allowed me to serve clients in transition much more effectively."
Tom Rice
"It’s exciting to see how well the GetFive job search method works regardless of the client’s industry, position or age. Even when working with clients who have a difficult search, I can feel confident that they will find a new position."
Anita Attridge
"Once I became certified I was fully confident and able to begin coaching clients.  Very few programs can deliver these results."
Geralyn Capelli
"GetFive certification has enabled me to connect with a network of coaches and other professionals, and it provides a lot of resources for my continuing growth and development as a coach. There's a lot of webinars, breakfast [seminars] and other information and resources that can really keep me continuing to grow and learn as a coach. It also has a level of recognition and validation that comes with it"
Carroll Welch
"GetFive [coach certification] program is simply the best out there. I know this because I attend many career-coach conferences where attendees have far more expensive certifications from well-known brand names, and I always feel like the de facto expert among experts."
Rob Hellmann
"The [certification] program added an additional layer of coaching security and a better level of coaching confidence. [It is] a really simplified method, but very organized in structure when it came to [using it in] coaching. It leads and points clients in the right direction and acts as a guide."
Sunil Harrypersad
"GetFive is more proactive than reactive, it teaches you how to hone all of your clients skills and wants and needs and lifestyle and get them in a direction where they are taking charge of their lives."
Mary Walsh
"I would highly recommend participation in the GetFive Certification program. It's a very robust and substantive and rigorous training program, and I found the instructors to be very top notch. It also has a level of recognition and validation that comes with it.  I completely expect and have already experienced sort of an uptick in my client business based on my having been certified by GetFive."
Carroll Welch
"If you are new to the career coaching business, this is an excellent way to get familiar with the techniques and procedures to effectively help clients get into new jobs and opportunities quickly. Or if you are a seasoned career professional as I am, I think the value is in the collegiality of being in a great e-community and also an opportunity to stay current in best practices."
Bonnie Halford
"For coaches that are looking to build their business, [GetFive] is a great partnership to get involved with because not only do you get the benefit of more experienced coaches to bounce things off of, you also has a unique business partnership where you get referred retail clients."
Teri Coyne
"Being certified by GetFive really pulled together a lot of information for me and gave me a lot of great new information in how to advise clients in their job search method.What I found most useful about GetFive method of job search was the many different frameworks and parameters and structures that it provides to give clients direction and a focus."
Carroll Welch

Certification Program Prerequisites

As noted, you must bring a lot to the table to join GetFive’s certified career coaches, but it will be more than worth it. The certification program has a rigorous acceptance process. Prospective candidates should have a successful and demonstrated background in career coaching, recruitment, extensive professional experience, and/or a combination thereof.

Career Coaches

  • Minimum 3 years professional experience
  • Significant prior work experience
  • LinkedIn All-Star Profile
  • Personal experience with career transition

& Executives

  • Minimum 15 years work experience with significant managerial responsibility
  • Graduate degree (MBA or other industry relevant degree)
  • History of mentoring roles within an organization
  • LinkedIn All-Star Profile
  • Personal experience with career transition


  • Minimum 3 years professional experience
  • Significant prior work experience
  • LinkedIn All-Star Profile
  • Personal experience with career transition

Curriculum Requirements

Our certification curriculum is divided into three required components:

Individual Reading & Webinar Viewing

The program syllabus requires program participants to master all GetFive training materials, including the class decks and a series of on-demand training webinars.

On-Demand Classes Plus Live Web-Based Instruction By GetFive Master Coaches

Eight weekly classes lasting 60 minutes – each covering a different part of the 5-Step Method and featuring a variety of GetFive coaches as instructors – are available on-demand. After reviewing the class, participants will meet virtually each week with their program facilitator to ask questions and discuss pro bono coaching experiences.

Practical Application (Pro Bono Coaching)

To develop expertise in applying the Method, the certification program also requires candidates to coach a pro bono client throughout the program (a minimum of 8 sessions).

Weekly Time Commitment

Realistically, candidates will need to commit a total of 5-6 hours per week to the program, including class time, independent study, coaching session preparation, pro bono coaching sessions, and the preparation of interim submissions.

Certification Testing

The program requires you to:

Submit a Case Study

Submit a written case study on the practical application of our methodology with the pro bono client.

15 Minute Presentation

Conduct a 15-minute oral presentation (web-based) on the case-study. You will be able to schedule, submit and conduct your certification testing requirements over a two-week period following the completion of the curriculum. Upon successful completion of the program, you will be recognized by GetFive as a Certified Career Coach. Annual recertification is dependent on the completion of ongoing training requirements.

Money sign

Program Cost



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Applications Considered As Received