10 Golden Rules for a Discreet Job Search

August 31st, 2020

While it’s not always possible, typically the best time to look for a new job is while you are still employed. That means you have no break in employment and simply bridge from one position to the next. However, this should be done thoughtfully, to avoid tarnishing your professional reputation. You don’t want to upset your current employer while seeking your next one.

The expert career coaches at GetFive offer 10 golden rules of a discreet job search to help guide you.

  1. Use your personal email and technology equipment for all search-related correspondence. Avoid using your work computer, which can retain electronic records as well as be seen by colleagues.
  2. Tell only your most trustworthy colleagues about your job hunt. While some coworkers may be supportive, others could have ulterior motives or simply be loose at the lips. Remind them regularly that you’re keeping your job search under wraps.
  3. Avoid advertising your job search on social media. Broadcasting your desire for new employment to a wide audience could mean that someone sees or passes along information they shouldn’t.
  4. Activate the LinkedIn Open Candidates feature to subtly signal that you’re open to new opportunities. Open Candidates is accessible from the “Preferences” tab on the LinkedIn Jobs homepage.
  5. If you want to make updates to your LinkedIn profile to support your job search, make sure to turn off the feature that automatically offers contacts those updates.
  6. Never use your current boss as a reference unless you have a great relationship and you have been given their consent. Same goes for current coworkers.
  7. When possible, schedule interviews around working hours. If not possible, take PTO rather than sneaking off for lengthy meetings.
  8. If you have to take a call related to your job search during working hours, step outside the office or go to your car for privacy and to avoid disturbing others.
  9. Be cautious about what job sites you post your resume on. Some may be accessed regularly by your current company’s HR department. Instead, optimize recruiters who can work quietly to find opportunities on your behalf.
  10. If you work at a place where dress is casual, wearing a formal suit is a telltale sign you’re heading to an interview. People are sure to notice and inquire (or at least wonder).

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