Sitting through a job interview is never easy. Often times you’re nervous, trying your best to impress, and thinking on your toes when it comes to those ever-daunting situational questions. One important thing to keep in mind about interviewing is that you’re undoubtedly going to be given the opportunity to ask the interviewer questions. When done correctly, the questions you ask will help confirm that you’re qualified as a viable candidate for the position you desire. This is your opportunity to find out if the company is an organization you would really like to work for, and see yourself building a career. Below are eleven potential questions you should consider asking in your next interview, as well as why each is important.

1. What does a typical day look like?

When you ask this question, it shows that you’re interested in knowing what the working environment is like and what is expected of you. Feel free to take notes during this portion of the interview. It will further demonstrate your interest in the position!

2. What are the most immediate projects that need to be addressed?

Asking this question will provide you with some insight regarding what you will be working on first. This is important information to know to help ensure you’re comfortable in your new position, and feel confident that you can handle the job responsibilities at hand.

3. Can I see examples of a project I will be working on?

This is your opportunity to find out what a typical project looks like and consists of. It also provides you with some basic understanding of the responsibilities you’ll have in your new job position.

4. What does your ideal candidate look like as far as skill set and experience is concerned?

The answer to this question will give you a good idea as to whether or not you have what it takes to fulfill the job requirements and responsibilities. The answer you receive will also let you know whether your personality matches what the employer is looking for in a candidate.

5. What is the culture like at this company and how would you say upper management contributes to the culture?

Company culture is important and should be valued by all employers. This question will help you feel out the vibe of the company and determine whether or not you would enjoy working there on a daily basis.

6. Does your company offer developmental resources to its employees?

In-house mentoring and development programs are a great way for an employer to help its employees achieve their work-related goals. By asking this question, you’ll get a good understanding about how the management feels about helping its employees.

7. What would my biggest challenges be if I were to be hired for this position?

It’s important to understand the main challenges you would face as the holder of the particular job. For instance, if you’re told that dealing with unhappy customers would be something you’d be expected to handle, knowing you have the patience and skill set necessary to deal with unhappy/dissatisfied customers is important.

8. Is the job I’m applying for a new position or one that’s been held by others in the past?

It’s important to know whether the job in question is a new position or one that’s been recently created. If it is a newly created job, you may be given the chance to ‘set the bar’ so to speak concerning goals, responsibilities, etc.

9. What does the training process look like for this position?

The answer you receive for this question will give you a good idea as to whether or not training is valued at this company. Is training completed in 1 week? 1 month? 1 year? How is the training conducted and who is in charge? It is important that you feel capable of taking on new tasks through proper training.

10. What is the performance review process like and how often will I be reviewed?

It’s important to know how and when your performance will be reviewed. Asking this question will let you know what standards are used to review employees. It will also help you plan for your review from the day you begin your new job.

11. How long have you been working for this company and how did you arrive here?

Asking this question will help you connect with the interviewer and give you insight into why people choose to work for the company you’re interviewing with.

Need Help with Interviewing?

GetFive is here to help you! Give us a call at 1-800-538-6645 to get started on improving your interviewing skills and connect with a career coach today. Our team of certified career coaches are dedicated to helping individuals like you take your career to the next level. We look forward to hearing from you! 

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