3 Bad Afternoon Habits You Need to Break – Cheat Sheet

May 14th, 2018

It’s important to stick to a to-do list, so you can keep track of everything you need to accomplish for the day. A LinkedIn survey revealed that our professional to-do lists are in need a makeover because we’re not doing a good job of getting everything we need to get done, done. While everyone tackles their tasks differently,checking on your list by early- or mid-afternoon can help you make sure you’re where you need to be, says Anita Attridge, a career and executive coach with The Five O’Clock Club, a career coaching organization, to Forbes. “If you aren’t satisfied with where you are, plan what you need to do and when you will do it so you don’t get further behind.” If you can get some tasks finished before you leave for the day, it will save you the trouble of having to rush to finish it the next morning. [Read More]

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