3 Common Executive-Level Job Search Mistakes


C-level job seekers are unlike any other demographic. Once you hit an executive level, your job hunting landscape changes, and with it, you face unique challenges. What’s more, executives may have more at stake when they make mistakes, so one misstep could have dire consequences.

However, many of the best practices for your average-Joe job seeker still apply to leadership positions, and often the problem lies in how the executive is approaching their outreach. With some mindset adjustment and savvy search strategy, anyone can avoid these three common job hunting mistakes of C-level candidates.

Mistake 1: Reactive Approach

Executives are busy in their personal and professional lives. Thus they often embrace a reactive approach to job hunting that can be a disservice to their overall career goals. They use specialty recruiters and set up feeds from online job postings. They think a job search can be put on autopilot until they get a call for an interview, but it’s often not so simple. Being proactive is a must. Spending time targeting your search and utilizing your network are two simple proactive job search strategies that are extremely effective.

Mistake 2: Focusing Efforts Only Online

A compelling and active LinkedIn profile is absolutely important, and an active job hunting strategy will help you get ahead. But if your search is all done electronically, you’ll be tapping that keyboard for a long time. To reach the executive level, you’ve curated a lot of professional contacts. Now is the time to use them. Network every single day. What’s more, set up phone calls and meetings regularly so you can inject a personal touch into your job search. One awesome in-person meeting can be as effective as a thousand emails or LinkedIn connections.

Mistake 3: Ignoring the Basics

Once you reach a certain level, some executives assume their experience speaks for itself and decide to skip steps that anyone else would consider essential to the job search process. Not only does this make them look incredibly unprepared, but a bit egotistical, too. Review the company website and gain understanding of its goals, news, and products. Create and memorize your unique positioning statement. Take time to target companies and tailor your search outreach. Be kind and courteous to everyone you meet. Be passionate yet humble, and get ready to sell yourself so they simply can’t pass you up.

If you’re a C-level professional preparing for a job search or you’ve hit a frustrating dead end, consider working with an executive career coach. These specialty coaches can provide expert insight on effective job search outreach, interview strategy, career planning and other goals unique to executive-level employees.

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