4 Important Ways To Succeed In Your New Job

You wrote a captivating cover letter, aced the interview and got the job. Congratulations! But now is when the real nerves start to kick in. With an abundance of new faces to learn, information to absorb and challenges to tackle, starting a new job can be one of life’s most stressful events. While you may have a short grace period for getting up to speed, it’s important to show your commitment to succeeding in your position.

Fortunately, GetFive offers tips for achieving success in your position from the very first day:

1  Assess The Situation

Although your probably did previous research, you’re now in a position to see firsthand what’s happening in the organization. Listen and observe to get the lay of the land. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who are the various corporate players and what are their roles?
  • Who are the decision makers and what influences them?
  • What is the overall interaction among the various players?

Be very observant in order to learn the dynamics of the organization. Knowing the answers to these questions will help you avoid becoming a casualty of office politics

2     Identify Resources

Your subordinates, peers, managers and human resources staff are all invaluable sources of information. Asking questions is always better than assuming you know the answer, especially when you’re new. Find out who you can go to for help. No one expects you to be able to pick up everything at once. Take notes and ask for clarification about anything that’s unclear.

3  Don’t Be Afraid to Voice Your Opinion

You were hired for a reason. Make suggestions and contribute in meetings to reinforce that you are the right person for the job. However, be careful not to overstep your boundaries within the first few days.

4  Offer Your Help

Often during your first few days on the job, your manager and team might still be figuring out your exact duties. Because of this, you might find yourself with more free time than you’d expected. But don’t just sit there doing nothing. Show initiative and ask if you can assist on any current projects or tasks. This will help you build positive relationships and learn more about the business quickly.

Don’t let your nerves get the best of you when you start your new job. Use these tips to be successful within the first few days. Want more help? Contact us to work with a career coach to help you succeed in your new job!

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