5 Important Questions If You’re Thinking of Changing Careers Later in Life


Think your 20s are for figuring out what you want to do with your life? Sure, but that doesn’t mean you’re tied to a decision you made during that time in your life for the rest of your career. In fact, many people in their 40s and older are changing careers to find new motivation, happiness and success.

Your 40s and later in life are actually an ideal time to change careers. Armed with a plethora of real life skills that recent grads simply won’t have, you already have an edge. Plus, you know what you like and what you don’t like, so you can make a move that feels right.

While you may be wiser, you still have a lot of working years ahead of you. For many employers, you are the ideal candidate. Retirement is still many years away, and you also have 20 or more years of experience. Even if that experience is in a different industry, many important soft skills are transferable.

Changing careers, of course, is not something to be done on a whim. If you’re unhappy but not sure which direction to go, a career coach from GetFive can be a major asset. He or she can help walk you through invaluable exercises, such as the Fifteen Year Plan, so you can determine your true passion and plan real steps for achieving your dreams.

As you ponder the next chapter of life, it’s critical to ask yourself a few important questions. These five will help give you direction so you can feel confident when you make the big jump.

What’s your motivation?

Changing careers is not a decision that is made overnight. Understanding your reasons for wanting the change is essential. You must be doing it for the right reasons, otherwise the grass won’t be greener on the other side — the same weeds you’re fighting right now will plague it.

Who can provide an insider’s perspective?

It’s easy to see a new career through rose-colored glasses. To ensure you understand reality, set up an informational interview with at least one person who is doing exactly what you want to pursue. This insider’s look will give you a good glimpse into your future.

What’s the long-term impact?

Think beyond immediate gratification. Weigh the pros and cons, such as financial consequences, moving/commuting and professional growth considerations. Think about how a new job will affect you five, 10 or 15 years down the road.

What training is required?

Some career transitions require a new degree. You may be able to pursue others at your current place of employment if you explain your desire to the right people. List all the steps and understand the time commitment.

Do you have a support system?

Making a career change is a huge transition. If you don’t have the support of friends, family and yourf professional network, it will be much more difficult to succeed. Talk with those who care about you to ensure you can move forward with confidence.

Contact us today to work with a career coach and make an easy transition to your new career!

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