By Anita Attridge, GetFive Certified Coach

Managing your job search is as important as the job you’ll eventually land. In fact, the five most important characteristics that will make you successful in any position will also help you in your job search. Here is a checklist of attributes to keep top of mind for success in all areas of your life:


Your desire to succeed is the most important factor. In any time of discouragement or whenever you’re feeling tired and apathetic, simply remember your goals. These same feelings happen on the job, and you’ve persevered through them before. Now you need to take that same approach while you’re on the job hunt.


The disappointments will be inevitable during your job search. Whether you didn’t get the job offer you thought you would, an interview didn’t go well or you aren’t getting any interviews, the key is to bounce back. What techniques did you use to recover from disappointment on the job? Think about what has worked for you in the past.


Always remember that there are jobs waiting to be discovered. The more you focus on a target market, the better you will be able to propel your search forward. Even if you’re not feeling optimistic, act and be positive. You never know when you’ll meet someone who can help you uncover a new opportunity.


It’s crucial to manage your search every day. Get out of your comfort zone by scheduling networking and professional meetings and doing research on the best way to market yourself. Make calls for informational interviews and follow up with your contacts. At any job, you’ll have to stay on task and work every day, so treat your job search like a career.

Self confidence

Know yourself and your accomplishments. Staying positive about your achievements will help you find new ideas and move forward instead of focusing on what’s not going your way. This is also a great way to help you bounce back from disappointment.

Successful job hunters stay motivated every day until they find themselves in the right position. While these attributes are important, working with a coach from GetFive can help you further develop your skills and use them to positively market yourself to employers.





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