Financial hardships, a sense of rejection, pressure from friends and family — you know these things all too well if you’re in the middle of a job search. It’s easy to convince yourself that you won’t find a job, but you’ll never get anywhere with a mindset like that.

Being out of work is stressful, but too much stress can make your job search less efficient. Even if three companies were to turn you down, remind yourself that getting three interviews means you can get three more.

Push through and land your dream job with these helpful tips:

Stay in touch with former co-workers

Life is different without the daily camaraderie you experience while working in an office. When you’re unemployed, one of the most painful aspects is missing the people who were fun to be around. Stay in touch with these colleagues throughout the week to keep your spirits high and remind yourself of past achievements.

Treat your job search like a job

A lack of routine can be disorienting. The best way to overcome this is by creating a new routine for yourself. Provide yourself with a day-to-day schedule to remain on track and propel your job search.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

A healthy diet and regular physical exercise are two of the best ways to combat stress and tension. If your former routine involved going to the gym, keep it up. Stick with healthy habits to keep your energy high.

Enjoy the change of pace

Take this time, when you’re free from the 9-to-5 grind, to finally think about what you want to achieve. What matters to you the most? What do you want to do differently in your next position? What can you do better next time?

Celebrate short-term success

Set achievable goals each day to give yourself a daily sense of accomplishment. Write five more targeted letters, find ten companies to contact, make four follow-up calls. Simply crossing these goals off your to-do list as the day progresses will make you feel productive and may even generate some new job prospects.

The key is to stay positive. At GetFive, we believe adopting the motto “I will persevere!” will help you land a great job, sooner rather than later.




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