6 Proven Methods to Help You Land a Job

Maybe you live in a region where hiring appears to have plateaued. Maybe you’re in an industry where growth is slow. Maybe it just feels like you’re unlucky. No matter the cards stacked against you, a new job can be part of your future when you follow these six methods for finding employment.

1.Have a plan:

GetFive’s methodology stresses the importance of taking the time to plan. Job hunters must go through an assessment in which they answer important questions like: What kind of job do you want? Where do you want to work? Where do you see yourself in five, 10, 15 years? They help people realize exactly what they want and ultimately lead to better focus and quicker searches.

2. Set targets:

You have to set targets for what you want to do and where you want to work. Basically this means narrowing down the industries you want to work in, the positions you want to hold, the geographic areas you’re willing to move to, and so forth.

3.Get a coach: 

Going at it alone can cause searches to take longer. Give yourself an edge by taking advantage of GetFive, which offers both private coaching and small group coaching that uses proven methodologies. In fact, it’s the only career program in which members meet with professional coaches and peers on a weekly basis in a friendly, club-type format with both unemployed and employed job hunters.

4.Create a card:

 Every GetFive member has a special 3-by-5 index card that holds the personalized keys to their job hunting success. This helps them narrow down and stay focused on their most important talking points. Create one for yourself by including a short pitch about yourself to use when you meet a new contact.


It’s great to network with people you know, but don’t be afraid to reach out to the big dogs. Try contacting people who are one or two levels higher than you are. You’re not going to get a job until you talk to the right people, and those people may be more senior than you. The goal is for them to think of you when there’s an opening at their company.

6.Be a pest:

After you interview with a company or meet with a senior-level contact, that isn’t the end of the road. You need to spend just as much time developing that relationship after you’ve met as you did prior to meeting. To successfully network, you have to follow up repeatedly.

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