8 Red Flags You Should Look for a New Job Immediately

Nobody has the perfect job and there’s bound to be a bad day or two here and there. But what if your bad days outweigh the good? Or worse, what if you can’t remember the last time you had a good day?

Knowing when you should stick with a company or cut ties in pursuit of greener pastures can be difficult. Consider these searing-hot red flags as signs you should look for a new job before you get burned.

You aren’t using your skills

Do you feel you have valuable skills that remain untapped in your current position? If you have tried to communicate your potential but your colleagues keep you in a narrow role that doesn’t maximize your skills, look for new job that does. You shouldn’t feel bored or underutilized.

Your employer says one thing and does another

When you believe in a company’s mission, feeling motivated at work comes naturally. However, if the company says it’s focused on certain goals but actions don’t reflect those statements, it’s hard to feel trust and loyalty toward the organization. It’s time to spruce up your resume.

You hate your boss

It can take time to build a good relationship with a supervisor, but if you’ve made a respectable effort and are still miserable, it might be time to jump ship. One alternative before setting sail: See if you can get transferred to a different department with a different lead.

You’re not growing

As a professional it’s important to continuously improve your skills and grow your expertise. If your job doesn’t offer learning opportunities, make it clear that you want them. If you still hear radio silence, seek a new employer who values employee development.

There’s no room for advancement

In addition to being able to grow your skills, you should also feel like there’s opportunity for advancement. If you feel like you’re working a dead-end job or have been continuously passed over for promotions without just cause, look for an advancement opportunity in the form of a new job.

Layoffs are on the horizon

Many times there are numerous hints that a company is going to lay off employees in the future. If you know the company is struggling and your job is at risk, be proactive and start looking for a more secure opportunity now.

The company is not part of your vision

When you imagine your life in a year, do you picture yourself working for your current employer? How about in 5 years? If you don’t see yourself there in the future, why are you staying now? For help creating clear 5- and 15-Year Visions, consider the expert guidance of a career coach.

You’re stressed constantly

Above all else, your health and wellness should come first. If you have trouble falling asleep due to work-related stress, you worry so much that you’re missing out on other aspects of life, or important personal relationships are suffering due to your job, it’s time to make a change.

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