Achieve Your Goals with a Written Plan

A recent study at Dominican University found that those who are most successful in achieving their goals follow three steps: writing down their goals, sharing their goals with another person, and keeping that person updated on their progress. This person can be considered your job search partner.

Remarkably, this is exactly what GetFive members do. One of the most important steps they take to achieve their goals — whether it be finding a new job, transitioning into a new industry, or learning a new profession — is to have a written plan, or as we call them, “marketing plans.”

A marketing plan is a way of organizing your search by listing the organizations you are targeting, identifying the geographical areas in which you want to work, and identifying the type of work you are interested in doing.

A key asset of a marketing plan is that it serves as a powerful time management tool.

It can be difficult to stay focused in your search efforts. While we think we will remember those crucial next steps, if we don’t write down what we want to accomplish and the time frame, many of the most important things will fall by the wayside.

Keeping a written record of your goals and your progress can help you focus and bring you closer to realizing your goals.

This may sound simple, but many job hunters struggle to put their search or their career goals in some written form. Hard as it may be, the alternative to not having a plan can result in a search that is directionless and time consuming. You may feel some initial resistance to writing a marketing plan, but once you make the commitment, the results will astonish you.

More questions on your marketing plan? Contact us, we’re happy to help!

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