What’s the secret to getting a job offer? There is no single secret; rather, it’s a matter of doing many things right and learning from your small group.

Here’s a partial list of small-group services that can energize your job search:

Weekly presentations.

Regular lectures on topics such as interview questions and writing an influence letter give GetFive members valuable insight into the appropriate job-search methodology.

Salary negotiation tips.

Attendees learn that before you accept an offer you need to negotiate. This can be for a higher salary or larger total compensation package, whatever shape it comes in. Attendees learn tips on how to ask for more.

Learn how to use various job-hunting tools the right way.

Those who come to weekly meetings learn to use job boards and LinkedIn the recommended way: not to search for openings, but to find out who the key people are, and identify someone who could either introduce them or provide them with some information.

Career therapy.

One member described their small group at GetFive as career therapy. “It helped me to know that we are all in this together, and that there are other people struggling just like I was. It helped me be proactive with tangible goals and it gave me hope.”

The power of the small group, peer interaction, and support has helped many find a new job and stay motivated when on the hunt.

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