Updating your LinkedIn, attending networking events, writing resumes and cover letters — looking for a job can be more than a little overwhelming. But when you’re not getting any offers, the “no one’s hiring” excuse is never a valid one. Companies are always looking for qualified candidates, and if you take the right steps, one will hire you. The Five O’Clock Club has its own method, based on years of research, that will almost certainly help you find a job.

There are so many directions to take when you start your job search, but here are some proven tips pulled from The Five O’Clock Club Method:

Have a plan

Most job hunters feel like they have to find a new job yesterday. While sooner is better than later, it’s important to take time to complete the necessary planning. What kind of job do you want? Where do you want to work? Where do you see yourself in five, ten or fifteen years? These questions will help you focus and eventually speed up your search.

Set targets and keep them in your sight

Setting targets involves narrowing down the industries you want to work in, the positions you want to hold and the geographic areas where you’re willing to live. Targets help drive your search. They take an overwhelming process and give you a course to follow. Once you identify your targets, it’s then time to meet the right people and ask questions.

Remember, there’s no DIY in “job search”

You can find webinars and other e-learning opportunities, but these leave you without the one-on-one coaching you need to remain positive and on track with your job search. The Five O’Clock Club offers both private coaching and small-group coaching in a friendly, club-like style. Job hunters need feedback from people who can get to know them. Additionally, people who attend small groups get jobs more quickly and at higher rates of pay than those only meeting with a private coach.

Don’t be afraid to be a pest

After any type of meeting with a promising contact, you need to spend time developing the relationship. Staying top of mind is incredibly important — and not just for the particular job at hand. Even if you’re not the right person for the job, impressing the hiring manager can be valuable for any future positions that open up. Get a thank-you note out right away and ask if you can connect with them via LinkedIn. Whether you land the job or not, you’ll create a long-term professional relationship.

If your job search is feeling stuck in a rut, it may be time to reevaluate. Use these tips from The Five O’Clock Club method to get the most out of your job hunt.

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