When is the Best Time of Year to Look for a Job?

As the end of the year approaches and the holiday hubbub heats up, many job seekers decide to take a short vacation from the hunt. December, after all, is a busy month packed with personal engagements. People also assume it’s the least likely time for businesses to hire new staff.

For these reasons and more, many professionals put their job searches on hiatus, figuring they’ll be wasting their time because companies will ramp up their recruitment efforts in the new year. The recruitment cycle has come full circle, right?

Wrong. December, in fact, is one of the most opportune times of the year to look for a job. While other people are out and about focused on holiday to-do lists, you may have a better chance of getting noticed by the companies you most want to work for.

Here are some convincing reasons to ramp up your job search in December so, come January, you’ll have a new position to celebrate along with the new year:

Plentiful jobs

It’s easy to think companies are hitting the pause button on hiring at the end of the year, but in most cases that’s false. By December, most organizations have a plan for the next year that includes anticipated hiring needs. Recruiting in December means being able to hit the ground running in the new year, so never underestimate hiring motivations during the holidays.

Less competition

The long-held misconception that December is a bad time to job hunt gives ambitious applicants a huge opportunity to shine among less competition. When hiring managers may receive hundreds of applicants for a position in January, they might only trickle in during December. It stands to reason that you’ll be able to stand among the thinned pack.

Motivated recruiters

Hiring managers and recruiters are in a different state of mind in December. With fewer applicants, they are able to provide faster and more in-depth feedback to applicants. Plus, many are simply in a happier mode during the holidays. When there’s a hiring need, however, they are motivated by a ticking clock. Any pressure to fill the opening by year’s end is a benefit to candidates.

Networking overload

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is a common expression that rings true on many levels. Many jobs are secured based on your professional connections, and fortunately December is ripe with networking opportunities. Holiday parties, industry gatherings and charitable events are the perfect opportunities to connect with other professionals and communicate that you’re in the market for a new job.

Want to ramp up your search in December? Enjoy these unique benefits plus expert guidance when you work with a career coach from GetFive. The possibilities will be endless in the new year.

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