Build a Stellar Resume The GetFive Way

Did you know the average hiring manager reviews a resume in six seconds or fewer? With a stack of hundreds of resumes and cover letters to go through, that’s all the time they have to devote. No matter how well written a resume is, it won’t get a thorough reading — at least not the first time through.

But don’t let that discourage you. Writing a stellar resume is all about technique.

Use these tips to ensure your resume moves to the top of the pile.

Format wisely

Make the hiring manager’s job easy by creating a scannable resume. Use a logical format with wide margins, a standard font and clearly defined headings. Selectively use bold and italic to help guide a reader’s eye. Bullet points are best for calling attention to important points, like listing your accomplishments at former jobs.

List accomplishments, not just job descriptions

While you’re listing your experiences, focus on your successes and problem-solving abilities. Companies are looking for someone who can solve their problems, so stating how you handled similar situations will help you stand out. Use specifics like percentages, dollars and numbers to quantify your achievements and assure the hiring manager that you are the right person for the job.

Write with a job in mind

If you’re applying for a specific position, keep the job description in mind while crafting your resume. Change your objective or opening statement with each application. For example, you can use the exact position title: “Seeking the position of Marketing Manager in the healthcare industry.”

Get feedback

One of the best ways to get your resume in top shape is to leverage the power of a career coach. GetFive’s career coaches can review your resume and help you objectively assess your work and experience. They can also help you organize your information in a positive way that emphasizes exactly what you have to offer.

Let GetFive help you become an expert resume and cover-letter writer. Follow this advice and you’ll be well on your way to landing interviews and offers.


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