A Recipe for Career Success, a Member Success Story

Modern airport terminals present daunting construction and development challenges, involving large land areas, layers of complex partnerships, and enormous budgets. GetFive member Kevin Hauppa, who was originally hired as a project manager for a $30 million project at a major international airport, now, as a senior project manager, oversees the day-to-day implementation of a project with a budget exceeding $100 million.

And he wouldn’t have gotten there without the help of GetFive.

Kevin first came to GetFive when his position at a previous company was coming to an end. Working with his coach, Kevin got started with the assessment process. This, along with the weekly group strategy sessions where he brainstormed with others in the group, pointed him toward a targeted job search very much in line with the project management positions that he eventually lined up with the airport expansion.

After identifying his targets, it was GetFive’s networking and direct strategies that were the most critical to his success.

“The toughest part for some people,” Kevin says, “is actually picking up the phone.”

Kevin would schedule a specific part of each day to call people and talk. “I would try to rack up a number of phone calls, even if it was just leaving a message, just to get ahold of people.”

Of course, it wasn’t always easy, but Kevin was persistent. As Kevin began reaching out to his contacts to obtain informational meetings and leads to positions that were becoming available, a former director that he had worked for in previous years responded to him and let him know that there was an opening on a project that her company was working on.

Sure enough, persistence, networking, and the GetFive method led him to this call, which in turn led to his position.

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