Develop a Career Plan and Make It Happen!

Even though there are plenty of indications that the economy is growing, many are still struggling. More and more we see GetFive clients take on consulting assignments while they continue their searches.

In the past, successful job hunters would “declare victory” if they landed a job — any job — after searching for a few months.

Today, people are more strategic. GetFive clients think more along the lines of, “Where does this fit into my overall strategy or plan? The Seven Stories Exercise and the Forty-Year Vision helped me figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Now that I’ve landed a job at XYZ Company, I need to evaluate my situation. How does the job fit in with my long-term plan? What do I expect to get out of the job? What are the next steps to take within the company? Where do I see my career heading?”

By asking these questions, GetFive take control of their careers and keep themselves marketable.

Small, ongoing steps

Today, the name of the game is career management. To be a successful player in this game, begin by noticing where your feet take you. This is a time for both reflection and looking forward, and it’s a process where completing exercises such as The Seven Stories and developing your Forty-Year Vision is key.

This is a process of rethinking what you want and going for it. Day in and day out, you need to move ahead and ride the shock waves. It’s never easy, and it does take time, but it is the way thousands have achieved satisfaction in their career and their life.

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