Dos and Don’ts After a Job Interview

It might be a job seeker’s market out there right now, but that doesn’t mean you should get complacent about your job search. Even if you killed it in the interview, you’re still competing with other applicants for the job of your dreams. You want to do everything you can to stand out in what might be a crowded playing field. With that in mind, here are some dos and don’ts for today’s job seekers.

DO …

Send an influencing letter.  Instead of simply thanking the interviewer for their time, use the opportunity to reinforce your interest in the position. You don’t want to overwhelm the interviewer, but including an example or two of your work is a smart way to display your expertise.

Connect on LinkedIn. Even if you’re not sure the job is for you, after you’ve sent your influencing letter, send out that invitation to connect. Building your LinkedIn network can only be helpful to you down the road.

Talk to your references. Ideally, you should have done this before interviewing. But if you haven’t, give your peeps a heads-up that they’ll be contacted, and let them know you’re interested in the job.

Follow up. The hiring process can be lengthy, especially if there are loads of other applicants. These can be short and sweet emails, reiterating your interest, adding something you perhaps forgot to say in your interview, and asking for a time frame of when next steps might occur.


Text. Just don’t do it, unless your interviewer has already initiated a texting relationship.

Hit “send” too quickly. Proofread your emails to make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors.

Pester your interviewer. Nobody likes being pestered, and you don’t want to risk any negative interactions with people who are considering hiring you. If you’ve asked for a time frame when you might hear about next steps, leave it at that.

Ghost your interviewer. If you’ve decided to take another job or simply aren’t interested in the job you’ve interviewed for, have the courtesy to send an email letting your interviewer know. Ghosting is inconsiderate and rude behavior, creating bad karma that likely will come around and bite you somewhere down the line.

Stop job hunting. You may have had one or two great interviews at a company and really want the job, but there’s no guarantee you’re going to get it. Keep casting your net out there or you may find yourself back at square one after getting a rejection letter.

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