When you’re on the job hunt, you can employ countless strategies for networking and discovering opportunities. When you’re just starting out, your first instinct may be to turn to job boards on the Internet or to look through your network of contacts, but these are only pieces to the puzzle. GetFive recommends using multiple job search methods.

Sometimes the best way to land a great job is not by sifting through opportunities, but by going straight to the source. It can be as simple as knowing where you want to work, finding out who is in charge and reaching out directly to that person.

Many people get their very first jobs using direct contact, going from store to store, asking the manager if they need a clerk, waiter or someone to stock shelves. A similar approach can be just as effective for your next big career move.

To take this approach, start by making a list of companies where you would like to work, figuring out who heads the department you’re targeting and get in touch. Target each letter to a specific company, and ideally, to the person you’re contacting. For example, address a problem they might be experiencing as a company and how your experience could help bridge the gap. This should be your attention-grabbing opener, where you can then outline the rest of your achievements.

Divide your list into categories, prioritizing your most desired companies first. Be more aggressive with this group, saying you’ll follow up with a phone call in the next few days. Leave only one phone message for each contact.

When using the direct-contact method, your ultimate goal is to meet the person who has the power to hire you and then convince them you would be an asset to their team. Even if there are no immediate job openings at their company, if you impress the right people, you never know what opportunities could unfold.







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