Examples of Expertise a Career Coach Can Provide You


You’ve probably heard about career coaches, but you’re unsure exactly what they do. Maybe you’re hesitant to admit a little guidance would do you good, or maybe you simply aren’t sure what they could bring to the table that isn’t already there.

Being skeptical is a good thing, because not all career coaches are created equal. By that we mean that not all have the skills and experience to provide you with the expertise you need to dramatically enhance your career.

GetFive coaches are different. Each is extensively vetted, certified and has a proven record backed by lists of satisfied clients. You’re not getting someone who just yesterday decided to coach. For GetFive coaches, this is their passion and many have been in the industry for decades.

Now that you trust our coaches are reputable, let’s discuss how they can make a difference in the trajectory of your career. Each coach customizes their approach based on your work history, personal goals and any struggles you are facing. From recent college grads to seasoned executives, they can provide guidance to navigate through even the roughest seas.

Consider three examples:

1. Building relationships after starting a new position
It can be very stressful when you begin a new job. A career coach can help you focus and make key contacts that will influence how successful you become. A coach will guide you through the Circles of Influence chart so you can identify and prioritize key stakeholders with whom you need to build relationships with to be successful. Then he or she will help you discover ways to strategically strengthen these relationships.

2. Getting a new boss with working styles

Being assigned a new supervisor can be cause for worry, especially if you really enjoyed your previous boss. When you learn that you and your supervisor have very different working styles, you might be ready to start the job hunt. Before jumping ship, a career coach can help you identify the problems so you can build a plan for finding common ground. You’ll regularly report progress to your coach who will continue to give you feedback so you can either succeed with the new boss or make an educated, confident choice to look for a new position.

3. Finding your way out of a career rut

Have you been passed over for promotions? Are you no longer inspired by your work? Do you simply feel like you’re in a rut? These are when a career coach can really make an impact. By working closely to identify your goals and figure out areas for improvement, you can stop treading stagnant waters. A GetFive coach will help you develop your Forty-Year Vision, an exercise in self-assessment with hands-on practicality. The plan bridges the gap between your goals for the future and the practical, everyday actions you can take to get there.

Want to learn more? Contact us today and we’ll find the perfect career coach for you.


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