5 Things You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less to Boost Your Job Search

Searching for a job is like a job itself. It takes time, patience, and dedication. Some days you may spend hours customizing your resume and speaking to recruiters. Other days you might not have as much availability, but that doesn’t mean you should halt your job search momentum completely.

If you can only scrape together 15 minutes for your job search, that’s OK. Here are five activities you can do in 15 minutes or less that can positively impact your hunt so you find your dream job fast.

1. Electronically Network

Networking is one of the most effective things you can do in order to find a job. If you’re short on time, send an email to someone in your professional network. Request to meet for coffee. Ask their opinion about a company of interest. Get feedback on your resume. It takes a few minutes and can make a big difference.

2. Show You’re an Active LinkedIn User

LinkedIn is the professional’s social media network and your active presence on the site can catch the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. Make sure your profile is current and contains key words so you’re searchable. Share news or a post and add your unique take. Comment on others’ posts. Demonstrate your expertise wherever possible.

3. Activate LinkedIn’s Open Candidates

While on LinkedIn, activate the Open Candidates feature to subtly signal that you’re open to new opportunities. This is especially useful if you’re currently working and don’t want your boss to know you’re looking for new opportunities. Open Candidates is accessible from the “Preferences” tab on the LinkedIn Jobs homepage.

4. Sign Up for a Professional Event or Workshop

Look for events in your city that allow you to make new connections. This could be a trade event in your industry or a social meeting tied to your specific profession. Sign up now and then make it your goal to meet three new people when you attend. They may have insight into open positions of interest, or, the connections to get you in at a company you admire.

5. Research Career Coaches

One of the best secret weapons of an effective job search is having a career coach who can guide you through the often daunting process. It takes a few minutes to request more information and you’ll soon be connected with a coach who will understand your goals for the future, and share the tips and tricks to help you make them reality.

Some days there is little time, but you don’t have to worry about that affecting your job search. These five steps take 15 minutes or less and will help you get one step closer to hearing “you’re hired.”

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