Feeling Stuck? 4 Steps for Getting Ahead in Your Career

You work hard and do everything that’s asked of you and then some, yet you still feel like you’re stuck in place in your career. You ask for training but no one gives it to you. The big bosses don’t know who you are. How are you ever going to get ahead?

What’s wrong with this picture? Before you can even take a baby step forward, you must remember that business is a game and you’re one of the many players. It’s time to start playing.

Here are four strategies that will help you move above and beyond:

1. Find out what’s going on and become a part of it

What are the major trends affecting your industry and organization? If you don’t know, you may be working too hard in the wrong areas. Read your company’s press releases, find out the direction the organization is taking and try to become a part of the action. You can also join associations to meet key players in your field. Your company and job are constantly changing; you’ve got to keep up.

2. Volunteer and be a team player

Volunteer to help with your organization’s blood drive or charity initiative. Others will view you as a team player and you’ll be able to branch out, meeting people in various departments around the office.

3. Get the training you need

You are in charge of your own career. Don’t complain that you don’t get the kinds of assignments that will help you grow. Volunteer to do the work that will help you gain the experience you need. Take courses and learn a new technical skill. Join Find out what you need to grow and go after it.

4. Meet with your manager

But don’t just sit down for a chat. Set up a meeting and go in prepared. For example, create a piece of paper with two columns. The first column lists your job responsibilities. The second should list your accomplishments on the job. Point out that you’ve always been willing to take on extra work and help where needed, but you would like to get some more cutting-edge assignments.




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