Finding Employment When You Only Have a Short Window, A Client Success Story

Rush Perez needed a job and he needed it fast. Instead of gambling with his job search, he decided to place his bet on the experts by joining GetFive.

The 5-Step Method completely transformed his job search trajectory. He says one of the most helpful pieces of advice he received was to take the consultant approach to interviewing.

Perez explains this as “where you imagine yourself as a consultant for the position and you’re trying to help them solve a problem and you’re trying to advertise yourself as the person who can solve it rather than thinking about it as just interviewing for a vacant position.”

Perez was an active member, attending meetings, watching webinars, and diligently downloading and reviewing the G5 Hub. Before interviews, he followed recommendations to write down what he was going to say ahead of time on index cards and practiced his pitch relentlessly. He gained confidence and poise.

Group meetings were also helpful, giving him a sense of belonging he didn’t have before. It was a weekly time where like-minded people talked, laughed, and learned, and that gave him much-needed support. “They [meeting attendees] are all looking for jobs like you are so you don’t feel as alone. This helps you feel like you’re working with other people toward a common goal,” Perez says.

Even though job hunters may feel like they have their search under control, it’s not usually the case. Perez says GetFive is the key to breaking through barriers to find true success.

“GetFive is something that you’ll find is very useful. Even though you might not think you need it you actually do need it, at least in my experience,” he says. “There are very small but very crucial changes that GetFive methodology helps you work out that you would have never thought about if you didn’t attend GetFive.”

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