Finding What Makes You Happy, A Client Success Story

February 5th, 2020

Tony started going to GetFive after the bulk of his job at a large at an international bank moved overseas.With his coach, Celia Currin, Tony focused on identifying the elements that would give him the greatest career satisfaction.

“Celia helped me recognize what it is in a job that would make me happy,” Tony says. “That was very, very important. We went through several sessions going over exactly that.”

With Celia, Tony completed the Seven Stories assessment exercise, delved into his personal and professional history, and identified what he loved and where he did something well.

Based on his assessment exercises, Tony and Celia developed a strong resume. On the very same afternoon when he wrote his cover letter, Tony went online and found an appealing position at another large, international institution that looked like an excellent fit.

“So I said, ‘That’s it. I’m going to send it in and let’s see what happens.’ But it’s the internet, right? You figure, who’s going to answer you on the internet, one out of a thousand resumes? But 48 hours later I got a phone call, and the interview process started from there.”

A few weeks later, Tony landed the job. His new position as senior vice president came with a better title at a prestigious, large consumer bank, plus a raise in salary.

Added bonus: He cut his commuting time by one-third.

Beyond all these perks, Tony says the most important thing was that he found a job “that met those characteristics that I discovered would make me happy.”

That’s why it’s so important to follow the methodology and do the assessment exercises. Ultimately, they are designed not just to land you a job, but to land you a job that will make you happy.

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