Focus Your Search: Targeting the Job You Want

Feel like your job search is lacking momentum? It’s probably because you don’t have a target. A job target involves selecting a geographic area, industry or organization size and a position within that industry. Once you select your target, your job search becomes a campaign. Concentrate your energy on your targeted areas to increase your chances for success.

Targeting a Geographic Area

Choosing a geographic area is usually the easiest part in the targeting process. You might decide to work near your present home or maybe you’re willing to relocate to find more job prospects. If you really care about where you live, target that area.

Targeting an Industry and Function of that Industry

Many people have a hard time figuring out where to go in their career. You might feel like you’d be willing to take just about any job, but it’s helpful to understand how your passions, life situation and education fit into finding a job. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Would you work in the not-for-profit sector?
  • How big of an organization do you want to work for?
  • Would you work for a magazine, chemical company or in retail? Does it matter to you?

Selecting a Target

You’ve selected a target if you can clearly state the industry or organization size in which you’d be interested, your position within the industry and some geographic guidelines. Once you’ve clearly selected your targets, you can move on to finding interviews in your target area and get your job search moving.

GetFive offers unwavering support throughout your entire job search from beginning to end. Whether you need help writing your resume or turning an interview into an offer, we are here to help.





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