A Fortunate Dilemma: Choosing Between Multiple Job Offers

Congratulations! While many job searchers may worry about securing one job offer, you ran an effective search and wound up with multiple. One of the biggest mistakes made by job searchers today is to go after only one opportunity, according to career experts at GetFive. But with many prospects in front of you, you’re more likely to find the right fit.

Now that you have more than one offer, how do you proceed?

The decision depends on which position will be best for your career in the long run. While you may be tempted to choose the bigger salary, you should look at how the job will change both your day-to-day life and your future career endeavors. Ideally, you should have a 40-year career plan, but sometimes five is all you can focus on.

Take the time to look at each role in depth. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are the benefits and drawbacks?
  • Would you rather keep doing what you’ve done for years, or are you looking to step outside your comfort zone and try something new?
  • Will this job put you on the path toward a leadership role? Is that important to you?
  • How do the commute times compare?

Here are a few other things to consider:

Be gracious: Be sure to show that you are serious about each offer up until you make a decision. If you come across as disinterested or overly confident, you may risk ruining the opportunity.

Negotiate carefully: You can ask about matching the salary of another offer, but only if that means you’ll take the job. If either employer finds out you’re playing games, your offer will disappear.

Accept and step down: Once you accept a position, it’s time to take yourself out of the ring. This is the final step of the process. Take your resume down and communicate with your other potential employers that you’ve accepted another position, but thank them for their time.

You may celebrate having multiple job offers, but the job hunt isn’t over yet. Use these tips to make a decision that will benefit your career for years to come.

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