Freelancing and Consulting: Filling Gaps While You Job-Hunt, or a New Career Direction?

In a recent blog, we talked about ways to make your job search feel shorter, even when it’s taking a long time. In that column, we briefly touched on the value of doing freelance work as a way to keep your mind active, your body healthy, and some cash coming in while you look for your next career move.


Let’s give the idea of consulting or freelancing a deeper look.

In reality, all jobs are temporary. You may be a “permanent” salaried employee who gets a W-2 every January, but eventually you will leave the job you’re in. Hopefully, that will be on your terms. Sometimes, however, your departure from a job is out of your control and you find yourself wrestling with all the logistics and emotional effects of being out of work.

You may have lost your job, but you still have your skills and experience and you can put them to good use with a temporary position of some kind. While GetFive advocates spending at least 30 hours a week on an active job search, even if you do that, you’ll still have at least 10 free “working hours” each week. Why not use that time to work as a consultant or a freelancer? There could be significant advantages beyond making a few bucks.

Many companies hire contractors, consultants, and freelancers for projects or to fill gaps in regular staffing needs. While you probably won’t get benefits in one of these positions — unless you’re hired through an intermediary company — such a job could allow you to keep your skills sharp, your mind clear, your spirits up, and your pockets at least somewhat lined with dough.

How can you find a freelance or consulting gig? The same way you find a “permanent” position. Target the areas and companies you’re interested in. Thanks to the Internet and freelancing websites, it’s easier than ever before to find opportunities. Just remember, it’s also easier for everyone else to find those consulting and freelance jobs you’re interested in, so it’s vital to be prepared when looking for this type of position, just as it is when you’re doing your “serious” job-searching.

Perfect your Two-Minute Pitch for consulting work. Decide not only the industry or company you want to work for, but the type of services you are willing to offer and the time commitment you’re willing to make.

Once you’ve identified positions you’re interested in and made contact, in your initial interactions with potential employers, let them know you would be open to either full-time or part-time work. Keep in mind, freelance and consulting jobs can — and often do — lead to offers of full-time employment, especially if you impress the employer. Use your freelancing and consulting work as an opportunity to enrich your networking efforts; remember, finding full-time employment is your primary goal. However, it might not remain your main objective if you discover through freelancing that you like working for yourself.

You may decide that the independence and variety of working with clients is so appealing that you don’t ever want to return to working for just one company. In that case, you’ll have to decide if you want to discontinue your search for a permanent job in favor of a career as a consultant, or put more energy into a traditional job search.

Consulting and freelancing — even if you’re doing it just to keep your hand in the game during your job search — also have their share of challenges. Because you’re working for yourself, you must be your own marketing, billing, and payroll service, in addition to the actual work you’re doing. During down times, not only do you not get paid, you may not get unemployment or severance either.

Whether you decide you want to start your own consulting business or just use freelancing to fill in some gaps while you’re hunting for your next career move, this kind of temporary, part-time work can be good for your emotional health and your job prospects. As with any career move, be sure you’re taking steps to advance your ultimate career goals.








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