Google for Jobs: The Newest Tool in Job Hunters’ Arsenals

You use it to search for restaurants, directions, and the best deals on everything you need. It makes sense that you’d also use it to find your next job.

That’s likely the thinking that led to Google’s recent expansion into the job search arena. Google for Jobs is now live and ready to sharpen your aim in your job hunting game.

Just like Google uses advanced algorithms to expertly refine your internet search, it also applies these while sifting through job listings. Essentially Google does what Google does best — filtering through various websites and providing you with the best results based on your criteria.

Do you currently spend hours going to Indeed, Monster, CareerBuilder, and more? Google is hoping to eliminate the time-consuming steps many job seekers take every day by aggregating results from all these sites. That way, you don’t have to visit each one in hopes of discovering the hidden gem you’ve been hoping for. What’s more, it strives to eliminate duplicate listings and irrelevant posts, further streamlining your efforts.

Go ahead and give it a whirl. Visit Google and type in a basic job search. For example, we searched “marketing director in Philadelphia” and immediately the blue bar labeled “Jobs near Philadelphia, PA” popped up. When you click on the bar, the page opens up to an easy-to-use navigation that allows you to customize your search.

Search by title, post date, company type, location, job type, employer name, and more. Prefer a full-time job at a manufacturing company in Cherry Hill, New Jersey? Within a second you can narrow your search to view just these results. No more typing into multiple job search engines!

As with any new technology option, there’s bound to be some growing pains. However, Google is not a new company and their algorithms are arguably the best in the world. This step seems like a natural fit for the internet behemoth. For job seekers, it’s definitely something to add to their daily to-do list. While you may want to continue to search specialized sites for job postings, this very well might allow you to eliminate others.

So is this the end for big job search companies like Indeed? No. While Google curates results from these sites, it has no plans to host job postings itself or get into the application process.

“Google is very clear about the fact that it doesn’t want to directly compete with Monster, CareerBuilder, and similar sites. It currently has no plans to let employers post jobs directly to its jobs search engine, for example (though that would surely be lucrative),” notes

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