Want a Job Fast? Pursue a Career Where Demand Outweighs Supply

November 30th, 2022

Instead of worrying about getting a job, what if you had so many offers, you had trouble deciding which one to accept? What if rather than desperately job hunting after college graduation, you secured a job before you even had a diploma? What if a company wanted your talent so badly they upped the ante with sign-on bonuses and extra benefits?

If you are skilled in technology, you are primed to be a top hire. Demand outweighs supply for many tech jobs in today’s employment marketplace. Do you have the talent to fill these massive gaps?

Whether you’re a young professional deciding on a career path or an older individual looking to change careers, technology skills provide the ticket to job security. According to the Forbes article, pursuing select tech careers practically guarantees a job in today’s competitive market. The top five highlighted in the article are:

1. Application Software Developer

Description:This will be one of the toughest jobs for employers to fill in 2018. There’s a lack of people with the skills and not enough new graduates in the profession.

2. Information Security Analyst

Description: If IT has ever called out to you, consider this your sign to get trained and brush up your resume.

3. Financial Advisor

Description: Big data just keeps getting bigger. Data scientists analyze vast quantities of data to mine the insights that companies need to grow and improve.

4. Nurse Practitioner

Description:The medical field continues to grow, and nurse practitioners continue to be one of the most in-demand jobs in the industry

5. Medical Services Manager

Description: Some of these in-demand jobs also offer flexibility. Medical Director, for example, is sometimes available as a remote position, whereas Global Medical Affairs Project Manager has been posted as entirely freelance.

If you’re already in a technical position and want to enhance your value, it might be worthwhile to have a meeting with your supervisor to discuss your interest in these or other career paths. Some companies offer on-site training programs, apprenticeship-type opportunities, mentoring programs and tuition reimbursement for classes and certifications.

If you don’t have access to these types of opportunities or are looking to make a complete career change, you might have to consider going back to school for at least the minimum certifications, if not a two- or four-year degree. The job demand is there, so it’s up to you to prepare your skills so you’re part of that golden talent pool. Consider reaching out to your network and joining industry groups to start expanding your knowledge and connections to match your fresh career pursuits.

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