The Truth About Holiday Hiring: Why and How to Kick Your Search Into High Gear

As we wind down the last few weeks of 2017, it’s easy for job hunters to feel a sense of anxiety and succumb to gloom and doom.

At GetFive, we remind our members that there are good reasons to stay positive, even in the most difficult of times.

If you are ready to give up because you haven’t landed a new job, or cannot generate the kinds of meetings and interviews that lead to job offers, stay focused and keep your goals in mind.

Instead of looking for excuses, start asking some of the hard questions, like:

Are you spending enough time on your search?

Are you reaching out to the right people at the right level?

Are your targets (companies, industries and functions) still right? But is this still enough?

Holiday opportunities

The end of the year is one of the best times to get out and meet people. People who frequently travel are more likely to be around, busy managers aren’t so tied up in meetings and spend more time in their offices, and of course there’s that good old holiday cheer.

Another great part about the holidays is it’s an easy opportunity to reconnect and reestablish ties with those who helped you during the year.

So use the holiday season to build and strengthen your relationships with others, even through informally networking at a holiday party. Many GetFive Members will tell you that some of their best contacts have come through meeting people at social events or parties.

After all, this is the time of year most companies seriously think about their hiring needs. The period following the new year is traditionally the highest hiring period, and many hiring managers are frantically trying to get open job requisitions filled.

So sharpen your skills and do what you need to do to boost your confidence. The holiday season is the perfect time to reconnect and establish new relationships that may lead to your next job offer.

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