3 Ways GetFive Members Find New Jobs

Even in the best economic conditions, many who are unemployed can feel like they are in a hopeless situation. The numbers and financial indicators might look good, but still, they can’t find a job.

If you’ve ever felt this way, it’s worthwhile to review some keys to success many GetFive members have used.

1. Embrace the Follow-Up

One of the first techniques many members learn is how to effectively utilize influence letters after a job interview.

For example, if you go through a series of interviews that include a panel of several interviewers, write follow-up influencing letters to everyone. Even if you don’t get the position, there’s a chance that someone you interviewed with could become a valuable contact and help you in your job search. Remember, it’s all about networking.

2. Target, Target Target

Learning how to properly target a company or industry is only possible by completing the assessment exercises.

Evaluating the results of these exercises and identifying potential targets can both open up new career possibilities you never thought of and allow you to focus on your strengths and passions.

3.Don’t Skip!

Many aspects of the GetFive methodology will play a part in your job search, including completing the Seven Stories Exercise, crafting a successful Professional Pitch, pursuing informational meetings, as well as following up interviews with influencing letters.

It’s easy to think some of these don’t apply to your situation. But think of them as a tool in a larger kit. For different jobs you need different tools, so it’s best to be prepared. For instance, by working on your favorite story from the Seven Stories Exercise, you’ll be able to smoothly bring it into conversations with new contacts and easily highlight aspects of your background that could lead to strong connections and valuable contacts.

Remember, networking is key!

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