How To Squash Your Job Search Stress


It’s easy to let stress get the best of you when you’re on the job hunt. On top of worrying about cover letters, resumes and networking, you have finances and a future to think about. But if you let stress take over, it can hinder your interview performance, ability to negotiate and even cause you to quit your search altogether.

Job searching is stressful because you often feel like you’re not in control. You’ve done all you can and now it’s up to the hiring manager to make a decision. But there are ways to combat the different types of stress you experience. Here’s how to deal with the various sources of stress:


Realize that landing the right job might take more than just a few weeks, or even months. Break this time down into weekly goals for calls, networking, contacts and interviews.

Be Persistent

Looking for a job isn’t easy, and it only gets harder as the days go on. But don’t let the lack of response slow you down. It’s important to remain consistent in order to build your list of contacts, find opportunities and improve your interviewing skills.

Stay Positive

A little positivity can go a long way in your job search. Rather than getting down on yourself for not getting a job or not hearing back from any of the applications you sent, take a look at the bright side. Encourage yourself with something specific, like the positive feedback you got on your portfolio or the helpful advice you received from a friend. Look for other ways to add general positivity to your life as well, such as continuing to pursue your favorite hobbies and activities.

Take Care of Yourself

Make time to treat your body well, making a point to eat right, get plenty of sleep and exercise. It’s okay to treat yourself by getting a massage, trying a yoga class or heading out to the movies. If you neglect your health and peace of mind, you’re only adding to your stress level

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