How to Find a Job When You’re Relocating

New York City, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, Chicago, or Washington, D.C.? Relocating to these cities — or anywhere else in the country — can make for an exciting opportunity. You’ll have the chance to live a new lifestyle, move into a new house, make new friends and enjoy new experiences.But to make the most of your new location, there’s one more thing you have to figure out: Where are you going to work?

Many people move because of work, of course, and those fortunate professionals don’t have to worry about finding a job in a new city. If you’re moving for reasons other than work, however, and a transfer or work-from-home opportunity is not available, keep these tips in mind when searching for a new job.

Reach out to those you know.

If you’re moving to a new city, start your job search by connecting with those who know it best. If you have friends or professional contacts who work in or near your new location, give them a call and ask if they have any insight into opportunities in the area. This is also a good time to scour your LinkedIn connections and get in touch with those who live in the area, as they may be able to help.

Update your job search sites.

If you’ve looked for positions on job boards in the past, you’re probably used to navigating these sites. Now it’s time to hop on again and switch your job search feeders to find positions in or near your new city. Before you do this, it’s a good idea to determine where you are going to live and understand the local traffic patterns. You don’t want to delve too deep into the interviewing process only to learn your job will be hours away from your new home.

Get tidy online.

If you’ve been in your current position for a while and you’ve proven yourself, you may have grown a little lax when it comes to what you post online. Now that you’re in the job search market again, it’s time to pay attention to your social image. Take an in-depth look at what you post online and remove any images or comments that make you look unprofessional.

Pick your seat on the plane.

As the interviewing process moves along, you’re likely bound for a few in-person interviews. Because of that, it’s smart to budget extra money for a few plane trips to your new locale. Additionally, if you’re applying for multiple jobs, it may be worth it to extend your stay so you can tackle two or more interviews during the same trip.

Moving to a new city is an exciting time in your life, so don’t let your search for a job slow you down. Apply these tips and you’ll find the perfect job to match your perfect destination.

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