Having a great resume is no guarantee that you’ll be hired these days. Today, more and more companies are conducting telephone interviews first as a way to weed out candidates. It can be unnerving to be interviewed over the phone and even more so if you were to receive a surprise call from a prospective employer so it’s best to be well prepared. Here are five tips to help you ace a phone interview.

  1. Only Take the Call If You’re Fully Prepared

It’s important that you’re in the right state of mind and the correct setting to take part in a phone interview. If the call comes in when you’re out and about, do not answer. Make sure your voice message is tweaked for these calls and that it sounds professional. Simply leave a brief message that states you’re currently unavailable but can reached at xxx time. You need to be in a quiet place where there are no distractions. When you do get on the line with the interviewer, make sure you sound confident and enthusiastic instead of distracted and stressed.

  1. Listen First, Speak Later

When the phone interview begins, allow the interviewer to set the stage. Jot down a few notes about what the interviewer is telling you so you can respond to these points when it is your turn to speak. When it’s time for you to talk, try to find some common ground with the interviewer by saying things like “that sounds familiar. We did something similar at my last job and these were the results”.

  1. Wear a Smile and Relax

While it may sound silly, smiling while you speak will make you sound more enthusiastic and will even help you relax. Remember that you cannot send any visual impressions over the phone, you must rely solely on your voice. If need be, practice smiling when you speak before the interview and both sit and stand while talking to hear what you sound like doing both. A good time to smile during the interview is when you’re talking about your past work, when asking questions and when you’re expressing enthusiasm about your current career transition.

  1. End the Conversation on a Positive Note

A great way to show how excited you are about getting the job is ending the conversation on a positive note. Thank the interviewer for the opportunity and tell him or her that you liked what you heard. Also say that you’re confident that you could fill the role and meet all the employer’s expectations. Before hanging up, tell the person that you would be pleased to meet him or her in person and then ask what you should expect next.

  1. Follow-Up

A day or two after your phone interview, send an email to thank the interviewer for the opportunity. Briefly summarize what you talked about during your interview. This is your chance to tell the interviewer one more time that you are very interested in the job. Let her know you look forward to hearing from her soon.

Need More Interviewing Advice? Give Us A Call!

For more interviewing tips, resume help, and overall job search assistance, give GetFive a call. We can’t wait to help you during this very important career transition!






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