On the day you retire, how will you grade your career path? Make sure you’re making the right moves now so you can give yourself an A+, and not a D- or worse. When it comes to thinking about your career direction and quality, your manager is the best resource you have. Tap into their power and establish a plan from day one with these helpful tips:

Set SMART goals

Make sure you can reach your goals by setting SMART objectives. S is for specific. You and your supervisor should agree on defined outcomes. M stands for measurable. How will you quantify or track what you’re trying to achieve? A is for achievable. How likely is it that you will be able to accomplish your goal? Make sure your goal is a good fit. R stands for realistic. Do you have the skills, tools and time needed to meet your goal? You won’t be advancing in your career if your goal is beyond your reach. And finally, T is for timing. Whether your goal is long term or short, you’ll need to understand when the deliverables are due.

Adopt a collaborative approach

One-on-one conversations with your boss are critical to your success and your ability to reach your goals. Get your boss to understand how serious you are about growing in your career. A manager is one of the most influential people in your life, so it’s important to get him or her on board with your goals.

Write down your objectives

Take notes during the meeting with your boss and, as soon as the meeting is over, write up a thorough report. Give your report back to your boss and ask for his or her tweaks to make sure you’re on the same page. You’re in a better position if your manager sees the projection of your objectives in writing and signs off on them.

Grow your skills

Career-minded people should constantly be updating their resume with new skills. You don’t want to become stagnant, after all, doing the same task day in and day out. When consulting with your manager, brainstorm how you can grow your job. How can you tweak your position to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge and increase your value as an employee?

Proactive employees stay in touch with their managers in order to better meet their career goals. With a take-charge attitude and a collaborative mindset, you’re more likely to win the confidence of your boss and successfully move forward toward your long-term vision.




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