Men at Work Wonder if They Overstepped With Women, Too
Workers across industries are apprehensive about appropriate workplace behavior and what situations could lead to accusations of harassment. Is flirting OK, for example, if one isn’t in a position of power? Some firms are rethinking shared travel arrangements, one-on-one lunches, friendly hugs between staffers and plans for holiday parties; others say fear could keep men from actively mentoring and sponsoring women in the workplace. New York Times

Deloitte Survey: Cognitive Adoption in the Enterprise is Resulting in Economic Benefits; Job Creation Expected
In a poll of senior executives in the U.S., 69 percent expect AI and cognitive technologies to add more jobs than they eliminate; 92 percent see such technologies as a significant part of their internal business operations and 63 percent are training employees to create or work alongside them as “co-bots.” PR Newswire

How To Fix The Biggest Lie In Corporate America
Author argues corporations should put their money where their mouth is about valuing human capital, logging employees’ new skills as assets instead of expenses on a balance sheet. But HR managers often fight that strategy out of concern their departments aren’t training people enough. Real change would require action by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Fast Company

Could a Tax Fix the Gig Economy?
Some 23 million Americans in the gig economy miss standard benefits of jobs such as health care and workers’ comp, though companies including Uber are trying to find insurance solutions. As such, some workers’ groups seek legislation that charges fees on gig-economy transactions to help fund “portable benefits.” The Atlantic

Blue-collar wages are surging. Can it last?
It is commonly said that wage stagnation contributed to an economic anxiety in middle America that carried Donald Trump into the White House. Yet Mr Trump’s rise seems to have coincided with a turnaround in fortunes for the middle class. The Economist