Why Your HR Department Can’t Stop Sexual Harassment
Argues HR units can be ill-equipped to handle serious workplace harassment claims due to lack of real power on the organizational chart, lack of skill, an overemphasis on protecting the company from lawsuits and preoccupation with other vital tasks such as recruitment and retention. Further, because three-quarters of HR managers are women, their harassment investigations may lack clout among male-dominated leadership. Bloomberg

Many of the Jobs of the Future Will Be Jobs of the Past. Here’s Why That’s Politically Important
As pundits in social science and career training speculate on human displacement due to automation, many of the fastest-growing jobs are in low-end, labor-intensive services. For now, we shouldn’t be ignoring “the old economy” and the political clout therein. Washington Post

Here’s Why Facebook Should Scare the Hell Out of LinkedIn This Halloween
Facebook is testing a resume upload feature that will wall off user credentials from Google and Microsoft/LinkedIn. Conversely, LinkedIn seems to be unable to prevent others from taking user info for their own benefit. That’s a huge competitive differentiator for privacy advocates. ERE

Why Digital Wellness is the Need of the Hour for Corporations
In light of technologies that will reduce jobs and necessitate life transitions, the author calls for a new digital “mass customization model” in which employees are taught to adapt emotionally to upskilling, reskilling and unlearning to achieve greater holistic well-being. Huffington Post

Are You Letting Unwritten Rules Shape Your Culture?
In many workplaces, employees are rewarded or punished based on powerful but unstated rules that encourage mediocre behavior. For example, playing by the rules may matter more than results, or you should speak up only if you agree with the boss. TLNT