Important Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering a Resignation

Do you dream of proclaiming “I quit!” to your boss, much like you see in the movies? If you’re miserable at work, it’s definitely time to take stock. You shouldn’t jump to a resignation, however, without a lot of reflection and level-headed thinking.

Before drafting your letter, honestly answer these important questions to ensure you’re making the right decision:

Is the desire to quit emotionally charged?

Everybody has a story about a time when they acted emotionally and regretted those actions later. Quitting in the moment due to anger, frustration or boredom is not rational. If these feelings are new, give it a month and see if they pass. If they are ongoing, it’s time to conduct a deeper assessment.

What is upsetting you and how can you change it?

Take time to list what is making you dislike your job. Is it your boss, colleagues, clients, project hurdles, technology lulls, etc.? After you’ve defined the culprits, consider how you can make strides toward change.

Have you spoken to your supervisor or HR?

Many employees fail to voice their concerns prior to quitting, leaving supervisors confused about what went wrong. Good bosses will be open to discussing any issues and work with you to create a plan get the ship back on course. Make your voice heard in a constructive and professional manner.

How long have you worked at your current company?

It can take up to a year to fully adjust to a new job, so don’t throw in the towel too early. In general, recruiters red flag job hoppers who consistently stay at positions for two years or fewer. That being said, if your current work environment is abusive or you become aware of illegal operations, quit immediately. Your own safety is always number one.

Is there a different opportunity at your current company?

If your current position isn’t a great fit but you like the company your work for, consider transferring to a different department or new position. Express your interest to your supervisor and HR, and apply when something becomes available. A “change of scenery” may be just what you need to shake the workplace blues.

How long will it take to find another job?

If you’ve decided you want to quit, it’s best to have another job in hand  including a written offer before submitting your resignation. If you’re moved to quit without having another job lined up, consider how long it will likely take to find a position and what impact that will have on your finances and professional reputation.

What do you want out of your next position?

If you want to quit but are confused as to what the next step in your career should be, consider working with a career coach from GetFive. From providing expert advice on interviewing and resume writing to digging deep into exercises such as the 15-Year Vision, a career coach can help you prepare for the next chapter of your professional life.



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