Job Hunters Break New Ground, a Client Success Story

Though Mary Mooney had earned a law degree, she hadn’t made substantial use of it. In fact, much of her work experience had been in book publishing. Due to her employer relocating the company where she worked, Mooney came to GetFive hoping to find the help she would need to get a new job.

Mooney followed the GetFive methodology very closely, completing the extensive assessment exercises, doing the necessary research, following the networking advice, creating a Professional Pitch, and updating her resume.

At her weekly small-group strategy sessions in Manhattan, she regularly shared with the other group members the issues she was having in her job search and the progress she was making.

Through the Seven Stories and Forty-Year Vision exercises, Mooney developed her targets and discovered that she wanted to do something related to the environment.

She began attending networking events and took a one-day class, the first step toward becoming a LEED Green Associate, despite having no relevant work experience in the field.

Over the course of numerous weekly group sessions, Mooney received valuable input from her coach, as well as other group members, on the next steps she needed to take.

The 5-Step Method worked.

“To my own amazement — and that of everyone else — I found the perfect position. It made use of my past experience as well as my legal background!”

Mooney’s persistence, her follow-up, and her commitment to her search brought her to a new and satisfying career.

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