Benefits of Having a Job Search Partner

It’s easier to reach your goals when you work with another person. Think about it: If you want to commit to a workout routine it’s easier if you have a partner, same if you want to start a business. There are countless other examples. Even for introverts, going at it alone just isn’t as effective as when you have another person there to support you.

This is especially true when you’re looking for a job.

One of the benefits of participating in GetFive’s weekly small-group strategy sessions is the job search partner system.

Instead of spending endless hours responding to job postings on the web, you and your job search partner keep each other on track, encouraging each other to make the calls, send out the letters, the follow-up proposals, and focusing on the actions that will land you an interview and a job.

How It Works

Sometimes, your coach can match you with someone, but often it starts with you asking someone you get along with in your small group if they would like to be your job search partner.

Your partner does not have to be in your field or industry. In fact, being in the same field or industry could keep you focused on the industry rather than on the process. The important thing is that you two get along and do your best to stay positive and support one another.

This is usually done when you and your partner practice your Professional Pitch, get ready for interviews, and bounce ideas off each other. Depending on how your relationship evolves, you may talk every day or a few times week. Most of the conversations are done by phone and e-mail.

While working with a job search partner, you should continue to work with your small-group and private coach for resume review, target development, salary negotiation, and strategies for following up with job interviews.

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