Job Search Tips So Simple You Might Forget Them

October 7th, 2019

Sometimes the most obvious job search actions are also the easiest ones to forget. The GetFive career coaches say it’s important to take a step back to the basics to ensure you don’t overlook important elements of a successful job hunt. Here are five job search tips so shockingly simple, you may forget to do them:

Mirror the Job Description

You spend hours refining your resume until you think it is perfect, but if you’re not customizing it for each job you apply for by using the specific words in the job description, you’re making a big mistake. These phrases are likely programmed into the applicant tracking system (ATS) that the recruiter is using to filter through candidates. If you don’t include them, your resume may not get flagged, which means you’ll have no shot at an interview.

Go Beyond the Application

We’ve all heard that you’re more likely to get a job through a connection at the organization than simply replying to a job posting, but many job seekers continue to monitor progress by simply tallying how many jobs they’ve applied for. Instead, start focusing on networking. Remember, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know! Contact people you know in your industry to say you’re seeking employment, attend industry events to expand your professional network, and schedule informational interviews at companies of interest.

Get Active Online

Having a digital presence is essential for the modern-day professional. That means if you’re not on LinkedIn, you pretty much are nonexistent. Recruiters adore this social media platform, so it’s important to make sure you have a profile and keep it up-to-date. Check out “18 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile” for additional advice.

Project Personality and Passion

Many people think that being conservative during the job search process means eliminating your personality, but that is false. It’s important to be yourself, and while you should dress and act in a professional manner, that doesn’t mean you have to be a robot. Employers want to see what makes you unique, and showing glimpses of your personality can actually better ensure a fit on the employer and employee side. What’s more, showing you’re truly passionate about the opportunity makes you memorable. Nobody wants to hire someone who seems indifferent at the job interview.

Send Thank-You’s

Think thank-you’s are a thing of the past? Think again. Imagine you interview two incredibly talented candidates and are having a difficult time choosing who you should extend an offer to. Now you open the day’s mail and see a thoughtful handwritten thank-you card from one that conveys appreciation for the interview opportunity. You get zilch from the other candidate. Who do you think left the best impression? It doesn’t always have to be handwritten, but sending a thank-you note is always a smart idea.

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