Job Seeker Dilemma: How to Manage Multiple Opportunities at Once

August 3rd, 2022

Some argue that 2022 is the year of the job seeker. With opportunities outpacing qualified workers in cities across the country, the world is your oyster. Companies are fighting for top talent and often willing to offer top benefits to lure the right folks.

If you think it’s time to explore new opportunities, there might not be a better moment to take advantage of this momentum. In fact, you might have to manage multiple opportunities at once. While this might seem ideal, it can dim an otherwise sunny situation.

You’re probably applying for multiple jobs, but there’s likely several you’re more interested in than others. In fact, there may be one at the company where you’ve always dreamed of working. So, what happens when your second-choice job makes an offer, but you really would like to hold off and see if your dream company makes one, too? Here’s how to proactively manage this dilemma.

Understand deadlines

You can’t control the company’s deadlines but you can try to understand them. Ask about when you can expect to hear back, when they hope to make a decision and when they want someone to start. The answers will help you understand the company’s hiring process and if there is urgency to the hire. What’s more, convey your deadlines to your prospects to ensure they know what you need.

Flex deadlines

Choice one is taking their time but choice two seems ready to go. If you need to, get creative in extending deadlines, within reason. Take a day to respond to an email or book your next interview a few days later to give yourself more time. Don’t push too hard and sacrifice an opportunity, but work with them to make the timelines work for you.

Communicate strategically

It’s OK to let your dream employer know they’re your first choice, but that you’re interviewing elsewhere. When you get a job offer, work with your GetFive career coach to strategize how you want to approach your first-choice employer in hopes they’ll speed along the process. You certainly don’t want to give ultimatums, but there are ways to communicate you have an offer in hand that can grease the wheels if they really are interested in you.

These three steps can help you manage this difficult job-seeker situation. Be smart and get ready to get the job you really want.

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